Guns Are Not The Leading Cause Of Death For Children

Guns are purposeful, car are not.

Guns and ammo that kill better are promoted and increase market value
Cars that kill lose market value and are taken off the market.
No, clown that isn't it at all. It's you and your dishonest agenda-driven leftists trying to corrupt statistics with false parameters like classifying two levels of adults as "children" in order to inflate the numbers of "children" killed by guns to drive an otherwise unpopular gun control agenda. The real truth is more of these kids are killed in cars than are killed with guns.

No, you don’t get to accuse other people of corrupting statistics. That’s your job. :ROFLMAO:
According to Ken Buck (R-CO), the gun problem is because of the horrible state of mental health in America, and all the drugs flooding over the southern border. So drugs are making people kill each other, but cars fatalities haven’t spiked because folks on drugs know that they shouldn’t be driving.
Are you really going to try and defend calling military-aged people "children?" As long as they are counting 18-19-year-olds as "children" it is a false claim. We don't let children vote or do we send them to war.
I'll bite. What an adult is is arbitrary in the United States and if we had brains we'd standardize the laws. Fuck states rights. Fuck different tiers. One birthday you're an adult, one you're not.
I'll bite. What an adult is is arbitrary in the United States and if we had brains we'd standardize the laws. Fuck states rights. Fuck different tiers. One birthday you're an adult, one you're not.

We did "standardize the laws." It's called the US Constitution and you don't get to change the interpretation of what's in there just because you disagree with it on policy grounds.

The Constitution gave rise to federal laws and statutes. Those are "standardized" across the land too. You don't get to change the interpretation of those laws, or ignore them, just because you don't agree with them. (You know; like legalizing pot for instance. Or immigration for another example. Or "sanctuary cities" for a third example.)
We did "standardize the laws." It's called the US Constitution and you don't get to change the interpretation of what's in there just because you disagree with it on policy grounds.

The Constitution gave rise to federal laws and statutes. Those are "standardized" across the land too. You don't get to change the interpretation of those laws, or ignore them, just because you don't agree with them. (You know; like legalizing pot for instance. Or immigration for another example. Or "sanctuary cities" for a third example.)

Nowhere in the Constitution does it standardize the laws of what is an adult. It simply doesn't. You are half correct on legalizing pot and sanctuary cities. You can simply ignore them and in the case of sanctuary cities you very much should. At least if you want safe cities, but that's not a concern for the Right.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it standardize the laws of what is an adult. It simply doesn't. You are half correct on legalizing pot and sanctuary cities. You can simply ignore them and in the case of sanctuary cities you very much should. At least if you want safe cities, but that's not a concern for the Right.

You should go read the Constitution because it's apparent you never have.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

That means that the Constitution does in fact standardize what is an adult by leaving the answer to the question up to the States and the people. And the States/people have indeed defined what "adult" means by universally accepting that it's 18 years of age. This definition came after the debate where differing States had different ages for reaching adulthood.

Basically you did the same thing you've always done, open your mouth and spew crap because you don't think about what your saying. You do this because you're uninformed on most subjects and just "wing it."
No, they have not universally agreed that 18 is the age at which you're an adult. You're making that up in your ignorance. I've read the Constitution, not even that long ago. What's obvious is that you either haven't or more likely you just believe what you are told.
No, they have not universally agreed that 18 is the age at which you're an adult. You're making that up in your ignorance. I've read the Constitution, not even that long ago. What's obvious is that you either haven't or more likely you just believe what you are told.
He's a bird lawyer, not a Constitutional lawyer.

Of course, none of us are either, we're just smarter than Derpy.
No, they have not universally agreed that 18 is the age at which you're an adult. You're making that up in your ignorance. I've read the Constitution, not even that long ago. What's obvious is that you either haven't or more likely you just believe what you are told.
Read the Ninth and Tenth Amendments and then shut the fuck up.
Read the Ninth and Tenth Amendments and then shut the fuck up.

He's flailing and the spittle and foam is flying as a result. Everything he believes in is being proven to be based on a lie and he can't take how his world just crashed and burned.
Are you really going to try and defend calling military-aged people "children?" As long as they are counting 18-19-year-olds as "children" it is a false claim. We don't let children vote or do we send them to war.

Is a 14 year old impregnated by her father and forced to carry that baby to term considered an adult in your eyes?
I love shutting Reichguide up. 😁
Read the Ninth and Tenth Amendments and then shut the fuck up.
Yeah you know the 9th and 10th support my argument and shit on yours. It means there is no standard as to what is and isn't an adult. That's why you can't define it, because like "What is a woman its a complete trick question.
Yeah you know the 9th and 10th support my argument and shit on yours. It means there is no standard as to what is and isn't an adult. That's why you can't define it, because like "What is a woman its a complete trick question.

I can define "what is a woman" without half trying. The fact that you cannot admit to also being able do so is where the problem lies.
Back to the point of the thread:

"The bizarre age parameters immediately raises red flags, and again, it just looks like they were chosen so they could produce the headline conclusion they wanted. Kaiser, for instance, cited 4,357 children as victims of death violence in 2020, compared to 4,112 deaths for motive-vehicle accidents. If the age range was reduced to a more appropriate 0-17, they wouldn’t have gotten the headline they wanted. The Pew Research Center, for instance, did a similar analysis but limited their age range to those 17 and under, and recorded 2,281 gun violence deaths in 2021.

Nearly all young people murdered by guns aren't killed in school shootings, but by gang violence. These are homicides unfortunately impossible to deter with gun control, given nearly all of them are committed with guns obtained illegally.

As Matt Christiansen pointed out after combing through the data, nearly the entire increase in “child deaths by firearm” in recent years have been in black teenagers, while it's remained constant for other demographics. “When almost all the change is in a very specific population, you have to look at what changed for that specific population - and guns did not.” As for what did - the rise in death correlates right with the “defund the police” movement’s successes in 2020, which disproportionately resulted in police being defunded in minority communities, fueling a nationwide crime wave. In other words, Democrats helped fuel the fire, and then blamed guns for it.

Christiansen also noted a silver lining here, that we’re discussing a type of death that it fortunately extremely rare overall. The CDC’s data has a death rate of 14.3 per 100,000 children aged 5-14 every year, compared to a death rate of 1,043.8 per 100,000 people for the general population - 73 times higher. “And that’s not to say that kid’s deaths don’t matter, or that we shouldn’t seek to minimize them, of course, it’s just to say that with numbers this low, even slight shifts in deaths can appear dramatic. That’s why they [the media] were able to say that COVID was a leading killer of kids despite a microscopic mortality rate. When the benchmark is statistically zero, even the smallest increases make a big difference,” Christiansen explained."
Back to the point of the thread:

"The bizarre age parameters immediately raises red flags, and again, it just looks like they were chosen so they could produce the headline conclusion they wanted. Kaiser, for instance, cited 4,357 children as victims of death violence in 2020, compared to 4,112 deaths for motive-vehicle accidents. If the age range was reduced to a more appropriate 0-17, they wouldn’t have gotten the headline they wanted. The Pew Research Center, for instance, did a similar analysis but limited their age range to those 17 and under, and recorded 2,281 gun violence deaths in 2021.
Do you ever read the links you post, to back up your so called "evidence"?

The headline of your link to PRC....

Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years

Somehow this study doesn't support your bullshit wrongway....*chuckles*
Do you ever read the links you post, to back up your so called "evidence"?

The headline of your link to PRC....

Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years

Somehow this study doesn't support your bullshit wrongway....*chuckles*
Yes stupid, but the point of the article and this thread is guns are not the leading cause of death for children. You should probably learn how to read for comprehension.
Yes stupid, but the point of the article and this thread is guns are not the leading cause of death for children. You should probably learn how to read for comprehension.
Vehicular accidents've said without any self awareness at all
The problem here is that some people support widespread gun ownership and others don’t, so they turn the stats to meet their agenda.

I live in the US but am English. I support gun control and responsible ownership. There are too many out there to ban them, you just need to control them. It would be a start for the government to know who has what and for records to be computerized, surely something that ‘responsible’ owners couldn’t find egregious. Ok, so the next argument is of course the constitution. What bunch of fuck nuts thinks the founding fathers in their infinite wisdom could look into the future and work out how everything would unfold? We have amendments, these have been done when the constitution wasn’t clear enough, or didn’t meet the standards of a civilized country. It’s not impossible to amend the constitution.

Ok, kid deaths. It’s an argument that could only be had by an American that 4000 deaths is an incorrect number, that it should be 2200 and that is perfectly acceptable. I mean, those 1800 other young people did lose their lives to guns but let’s not talk about them, they were 18 or 19 with their whole lives ahead of them but who gives a fuck? And, anyways as a percent of population that’s almost zero. At this point it’s probably worth looking at gun deaths in other developed nations. Here we go… shocker, they are to all intents and purposes ZERO.

If you look at gun deaths overall America sits near the top of some of the craziest countries on earth. I like stats, I like data, they produce a simple FACT, if you care about lives you need gun control, because let’s not forget, these are real lives, they are peoples’ sons and daughters. There’s an awful lot of grief whether you use 4000, or 2200 as your number, they are both too large!
Yes stupid, but the point of the article and this thread is guns are not the leading cause of death for children. You should probably learn how to read for comprehension.
*chuckles* guns are the number two cause of death, and they rose by whats your fucking point?

That your a heartless bastard , who can't even find a woman to fuck, never mind have children with??????

Fail number three......I wonder how high I can run his fails up to, today?
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No, they have not universally agreed that 18 is the age at which you're an adult. You're making that up in your ignorance. I've read the Constitution, not even that long ago. What's obvious is that you either haven't or more likely you just believe what you are told.
The age of 18 is a federal standard for voting. Everything else is negotiable.
Thats why 16 year old people of color are often "charged as adults".