Have you written about something sexual and then been inspired to try it in real life?

To clarify, and then I’ll shut up (like that ever happens 😬). I’m only ever restrained or “punished” for my pleasure. Not for someone else. Of course the other party (or parties) enjoys it. But I’m not their plaything to do what they want with. That’s made clear upfront.

As I say, I’m probably a sub outlier, if I’m a sub at all.

OK - on reflection - the above applies only to BDSM with guys. I was more of a classical sub in my one BDSM relationship with a girl.

I can picture EM as a Dom|Sub if any outlier at all.
"You are going to tie me up and you're going to enjoy it, understand???"
That’s actually probably true - I’ve also switched with a few guys (1-1) though not with my one BDSM girl-girl reationship.

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I do only light BDSM nowadays and only with my partner.

Back in the day, I always had people around who I trusted implicitly to look after me. There were only ever two problems in several years. One, a fictionalized version of which appears in one of my stories, ended up with the guy who broke the “rules” being forcibly ejected by three of the other guys. Another, which I mentioned on here just the other day, was partly my own fault in letting a newbie cane me while restrained. I have a scar across my right knuckles from punching him. But we made up. As I say, I was also naive in this case.

I have limited experience with this, so I make up most of it and hope it seems plausible. I have a story coming out about a professional but part-time dominatrix, and I made up most of that too. I had an earlier version on another site, and people seemed to like it.
I have limited experience with this, so I make up most of it and hope it seems plausible. I have a story coming out about a professional but part-time dominatrix, and I made up most of that too. I had an earlier version on another site, and people seemed to like it.
I wrote a whole story about two girls with cocks (and pussies). I wrote another about a space octopus.

People in glass houses… 😬

I don't see sex as a team sport, but that is my quirk. Please don't make me read all of these posts; who is Morena?
I wrote a whole story about two girls with cocks (and pussies). I wrote another about a space octopus.

People in glass houses… 😬

Oh, I'm the one in the glass house. That other site doesn't allow non-members to vote or comment, so it's more polite. Lit has some anonymous real crazies, but that may be part of its charm. Ah, what happened to your response up above?
I have never had group sex with more than one other girl (and that was only ever MFFs). I have led such a sheltered life 😬.

In my personal opinion, group sex isn't as good as people tend to make it out to be in their own minds.

I did it a few times. Someone always ended up being hurt because they got less attention than everyone else.
Which is completely understandable.

I'm jealous. I've never had a MFF. My wife has given me permission to but I'm not "scouring the earth" looking for it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
In my personal opinion, group sex isn't as good as people tend to make it out to be in their own minds.
It’s like anything. As good as the people involved in it.
I did it a few times. Someone always ended up being hurt because they got less attention than everyone else.
Which is completely understandable.
Which is why I never did a gang bang with another girl involved. I don’t like being left out 😊.
I'm jealous. I've never had a MFF. My wife has given me permission to but I'm not "scouring the earth" looking for it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I haven’t had an MFF or any other type of threesome in two and a half years. Haven’t taken part in a gang bang in over four years. A time of life thing, I think.

It's interesting to read to see what other author's have shared on this thread. I have written mainly from personal sexual experiences. And also from wicked fantasy's that inflame my passion for sex.

Having had sex with both women and men, gives me a pretty good understanding about the emotional aspects of desires. My stories on Lit are all heavily geared towards male on male homosexuality. That is my favorite, keeps my mind in a state of lust most every day. My username is PG564E, if one might be interested in reading my work.

Erotica is so healthy in today's fucked up world. The sky isn't falling, who cares what people think about almost anything. Life's too short, try living it and sometimes enjoying the hell out of it!
It’s like anything. As good as the people involved in it.
For the most part, I agree with you here. Sometimes people go in with good intentions and something happens, that makes it turn out badly.
One of those "something happens" did involve me.
My ex (1 of only 2 that I don't talk to) completely ignored me the entire time.
They all caught hands in the end.

Which is why I never did a gang bang with another girl involved. I don’t like being left out 😊.
Were you left out before and it soured you on it???
I haven’t had an MFF or any other type of threesome in two and a half years. Haven’t taken part in a gang bang in over four years. A time of life thing, I think.

I forget exactly how long ago it was that I did my MMF threesome. 20 years ago at least.
One of those "something happens" did involve me.
My ex (1 of only 2 that I don't talk to) completely ignored me the entire time.
I hear about this kind of thing happening. I haven't come close, personally, to such festivities. But I feel like it should be possible for everyone to have a great time, if all participants are dedicated to giving every other participant a lot of attention and focus. Like, if they all actually like each other and care about making sure no one feels left out. A problem like this seems like it results from one or more participants being insensitive.