Jake Sullivan Pushed Russian Collusion Hoax


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
Time for this phony liar to resign:

Biden's Current National Security Advisor Played a Key Role in the Russian Collusion Hoax
Spencer Brown| Feb 14, 2022 12:30 PM

President Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan hasn't had a great run in the White House over the last year — from absurd claims about the fate of Afghanistan's government to attempts to cover for Biden's botched withdrawal to more recent briefings about the escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine — he's proven to be little more than a partisan hack who expects everyone to believe what he says without question.

Even Sullivan's recent claims about Russia's actions and intentions as Putin's troops amass along the border have been questioned skeptically by mainstream reporters who normally show deference to the Biden administration. But now it's something Sullivan said back in 2016 while he was senior policy advisor to Hillary Clinton's doomed presidential campaign that raises questions about his credibility and ought to call into question his qualifications and trustworthiness as Biden's NSA.

As Vespa reported over the weekend, there's a new bombshell from the Durham probe that shows Hillary Clinton's campaign lawyers paid a tech company to "infiltrate" servers at Trump Tower and then at the White House in order to tie President Trump to Russia as they sought to construct a narrative to cover for the fact that Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate without a hope of winning the 2016 election.

Well, here's what Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan — then Hillary for America's Senior Policy Advisor — said in reaction to a hit piece in Slate titled "Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?" as he took a lead role in pushing the narrative.

It was no hoax and you know it. Drop that impudent canard once and for all, will you?
It was no hoax. Donald Trump played the Russian asset right before our eyes.

Chances are good the Rightguard is a Russian asset too.
It was a hoax because the whole thing was started to detract from Hillary's email scandal.

And, Trump needing Russias' help makes as much sense as him saying he needed help from Iowa. WTF does Russia have to do with getting anyone elected?

Dirty dems playing dirty is all you need to know is the cause of just about every in justice since who knows when.
It was a hoax because the whole thing was started to detract from Hillary's email scandal.

And, Trump needing Russias' help makes as much sense as him saying he needed help from Iowa. WTF does Russia have to do with getting anyone elected?

Dirty dems playing dirty is all you need to know is the cause of just about every in justice since who knows when.
The scandal where Hillary was completely exonerated after several separate investigations?
It was a hoax because the whole thing was started to detract from Hillary's email scandal.

No. The "hoax" part is you lying about activity that happened right out in the open for all of us to see.
It was a hoax because the whole thing was started to detract from Hillary's email scandal.

And, Trump needing Russias' help makes as much sense as him saying he needed help from Iowa. WTF does Russia have to do with getting anyone elected?

Dirty dems playing dirty is all you need to know is the cause of just about every in justice since who knows when.
The Trump-Russia connections were originally investigated by conservatives and Trump’s GOP opponents. Your claim about detracting from emails is bogus.
Prove it was a hoax first.

Another thread where a Deplorable makes an bullshit claim(in this case, that Trump - Russian collusion was a hoax), and when a decent person challenges that bullshit claim, the OP expects THEM to prove the original claim was bullshit.

That is not how it works.

I would love to see the Deplorable OP try and PROVE that there was no Trump Russian collusion considering all the evidence and testimony to the contrary.

Oh wait,...... they already tried and failed maaaaaany times.

*nods* AND *chuckles*
It was no hoax. Donald Trump played the Russian asset right before our eyes.

Chances are good the Rightguard is a Russian asset too.


What did he EVER do or EVER say that Helped Russia and or Putin?
It was no hoax. Donald Trump played the Russian asset right before our eyes.

Chances are good the Rightguard is a Russian asset too.

You never presented a case for Trump being a Russian asset. Exactly how did Putin benefit from a Trump presidency. It strikes me as Biden is a true Russian bot.
You never presented a case for Trump being a Russian asset. Exactly how did Putin benefit from a Trump presidency. It strikes me as Biden is a true Russian bot.

I been axing him for 4 yrs

Never could answer....all he does is repeat it daily
Not to mention the investigation that didn’t exonerate trump.

What a dope. The purpose of a prosecutor isn't to exonerate anyone. His job is to investigate crimes and try people in court based on evidence. Mueller found none. From the Mueller Report:








It was no hoax. Donald Trump played the Russian asset right before our eyes.

Chances are good the Rightguard is a Russian asset too.

Chances are better you're a dick-smoking liar, but I digress. There is absolutely ZERO evidence that Trump or myself are Russian agents. Mueller and 13 angry Hillary supporters couldn't find a single iota of evidence to back that BS up. I just posted the Mueller's words on the subject.
What a dope. The purpose of a prosecutor isn't to exonerate anyone. His job is to investigate crimes and try people in court based on evidence. Mueller found none. From the Mueller Report:


You some stuff out:

"Special counsel Robert Mueller said Wednesday that charging President Donald Trump with a crime was “not an option” because of federal rules, but he used his first public remarks on the Russia investigation to emphasize that he did not exonerate the president.

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mueller declared."
