The largest trade war in economic history

i snipped you because this is the most honest thing i've ever read by you and i want us to have a positive relationship.

No you don't. I also don't care about our "relationship," positive or negative.

You want to bash Trump and because I do not, you transfer that hate to me.
That's why you won't dare touch the rest of the post; the truth scares you because it doe not follow the narrative.
No you don't. I also don't care about our "relationship," positive or negative.

You want to bash Trump and because I do not, you transfer that hate to me.
That's why you won't dare touch the rest of the post; the truth scares you because it doe not follow the narrative.

you're a liar who lies about lying. i owe you nothing, *****. :kiss:
Totally socialist spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Commerce you mean. Good thing I provided such a great service, moron.


How's it feel to be such a pathetic propaganda puppet for the Communist Party of China, comrade?

Oh, and for your "great service":


Keep suckin', Blurt Bitch wannabe in perpetual training.

I don't understand half of the terms or implications,but it sounded to me as if what China proposed would have been economically advantageous. So why did EU turn them down?

It probably was not advantageous for the EU.....but since they are SOOOOOO progressive, it's ok for them to not get fucked by China, or have borders, or an immigration know all the horrible evil things that make the USA just the WORST.

You often crack me up, BB. :)
Whenever someone mentions Corporations, here you are.
You're like the official GB Corporate defender.

That's because people assign the most absurd boogey man bullshit to "corporations", most of the time they can't even explain what it is they are talking about....but "corporations" are guilty of it!

The US needs it's corporations to be more powerful than Chinese or Russian ones.
But HAL is right. Not to the detriment of the Middle class, or letting the poor have substandard medical care.

So that's my rant. :rose:

The vast majority of corporations don't really hold power and the ones that do are strictly regulated.

Corporations make money slinging goods and or services...that's pretty much it.

That's not detrimental to the middle class, in fact the middle class is dependent on corporations being successful. No successful corporations? No middle class.

And the poor having substandard medical care? Taking shit from people and giving it to the poor is a government issue....corporations aren't responsible for that shit because they don't have the power.


The credit is all to President Obama!
That's why Hillary Clinton is now the President, because of how well the Obama economy performed!

I wouldn't at all be shocked if some of these (D) worshipers have shrines of Obama in their home that they prostrate themselves in front of several times a day.
Totally socialist spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Commerce you mean. Good thing I provided such a great service, moron.

I like how CNBC ends that article with....

External observers have widely criticized this approach, saying such protectionist rhetoric undermines free trade policies that have shaped the global exchange of goods in recent decades.

It's like all of the left wing and their favored media outlets think there was free trade before Trump started a trade war.
A reminder about today's jobs numbers:
1) They have little to do with Trump. The economy gained jobs for 75 months straight before he took office.

Yes, you posted a fact. I will agree to that.

What I will not agree to is letting you take it out of context.
There is a clear difference between this current economy and the economy of 36 months ago, which is why you went back even further in time, to a low point from which any gain could be pointed to as a positive gain.

What was different 36 months vs. 75 months ago?
We're in one of the longest post-war economic expansions in history, basicaly encompassing the last 85% of Obama's term and the 18 months of Trump's term.

Trump, of course, claims credit for this recovery, and you, of course, support Trump's claim.

What additional "context" is needed?

Challenge made, Gunny. time to tuck tail and run.
What was different 36 months vs. 75 months ago?
We're in one of the longest post-war economic expansions in history, basicaly encompassing the last 85% of Obama's term and the 18 months of Trump's term.

Trump, of course, claims credit for this recovery, and you, of course, support Trump's claim.

What additional "context" is needed?

Challenge made, Gunny. time to tuck tail and run.

he couldn't even cherry pick for trump correctly.
"starting shit" is something you NotRepublicans seem to enjoy him doing.

At the very best it creates opportunity to make more money.

At the very worst some Chinese products go up in price a couple bucks and life goes on.

It's better than just bending the USA over for the whole world to fuck up the ass you NotCommunist seem to prefer.

"raising prices", though? Nope, straight out denial and spluttering and "but but teh Democrats!" from the NotRepublicans.

That's from the Republicans and Trump fans NotRepublicans and NotTrumpFans are aware and not at all in denial about the price fluctuations of commodities in a trade war. Good time to make some money!!
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I'm just glad we all got a massive tax cut to pay for some of this shit. Yay! Winning! Of course if you just got laid off because your employer can't afford to make and sell nails, you're screwed.
Like a mugging victim starting some shit by fighting back after the fourth mugging.:D


If a shit takes your lunch money for 10 years that's just a tax.

And if after 10 years you finally split that fuckers head open? You're a bad guy.
lol @ the trump supporters thinking he's bullying anyone. nk and china are colluding against us, putin will toy with him over the next month, he pisses off our allies, yet here you sheeple are, supporting your badly behaving child.
I'm just glad we all got a massive tax cut to pay for some of this shit. Yay! Winning! Of course if you just got laid off because your employer can't afford to make and sell nails, you're screwed.

There will never be a shortage of American made nails.
At the very best it creates opportunity to make more money.

At the very worst some Chinese products go up in price a couple bucks and life goes on.

It's better than just bending the USA over for the whole world to fuck up the ass you NotCommunist seem to prefer.

That's from the Republicans and Trump fans NotRepublicans and NotTrumpFans are aware and not at all in denial about the price fluctuations of commodities in a trade war. Good time to make some money!!

We've been over this before, kimchi breath. You have no issue whatsoever with the majority of Americans forgoing current income for the sake of a nebulous increase in income that may or may not occur sometime in the future.

You personally won't suffer any hardship, your government stipend is guaranteed, but you want others to suffer for your toxic ivory tower political ideology.

At least you're consistent, as you're also quite okay with others dying from lack of access to healthcare (because Obamacare isn't "perfect" enough for you) while your own government-guaranteed health care is sacrosanct.
