When Was The Last Time... ?

about a month ago: a coworker fell, and when the EMTs showed up, one of them was I guy I haven't seen since high school

WWLT you went into the bank vs used the drive thru?

Today actually and I'm not sure if I know of a single drive thru for money anywhere in the region of the UK where I live!

WWLT you chose to cycle over using the car?
Today actually and I'm not sure if I know of a single drive thru for money anywhere in the region of the UK where I live!

WWLT you chose to cycle over using the car?

Cyclings too hard on my back. It's usually walk or drive.

WWTLT you masturbated?
This morning before work :eek:

WWTLT you took a nude picture of yourself?


WWTLT you ate a true-blue pickle... I'm talking the marinated in kosher salt, lots of garlic and brine, kind of pickle.
Pretty sure it was, like, never.

WWTLT you ended up in a bed with complete stranger?
Probably in my late teens.

WWTLT someone besides your SO seen you nude?

nobody wants to see me nude! This year at the hospital, as my doctor was completing my paperwork for insurance, I asked him what day he'd like me to come in. He said, "your labs are perfect. I don't need to see you." Even my doctor would rather look at numbers.. damnit.

When was the last time you changed your bedtime routine?