We Are Better Than What Is Being Pitched to Us from TV


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
I was too young to grasp and absorb what was happening, when I saw the Nixon and JFK debate in 1960. Television had changed everything about elections.

NBC was caught encouraging Trump to "keep it up." NBC told Trump that his pitch was good for (their) business.

Television media has decided to not consider the responsibility they have to the public they serve.

Trump has decided to not consider the responsibility that a president has to all of the people in America.

/end gsgs comment

Someone has decided to fight back against the flood of television coverage devoted to Trump.


from the Detroit Free Press

We stand together. We are better than bigotry.

excerpt # 1

America’s Muslim community has its deepest roots here in southeast Michigan, home to more Middle East immigrants than any other part of the country.

Excerpt # 2

From many, we are one. And we are better for the variance and unity among us.

So when Donald Trump says America should close its borders to Muslim immigrants, he’s not just attacking a fundamental American strength.

He’s attacking us — our community, our neighbors, the rich, diverse fabric that makes up southeast Michigan.

Trump’s goal is political, and craven — near-universal outcry from across the political spectrum reinforces his identity as an outsider, and every criticism proves to supporters that Trump is a man who'll say what others fear to speak.

And so we were reluctant to lend this institution's voice to a denunciation that might further Trump's cause.

But some slurs are so heinous that they must be answered. And some lies are so vile that they become dangerous if not met with truth, and strength.

Trump's indictment of Muslims en masse is nothing more than rank bigotry and racism, a reach back to the darkest chapters of America's history and a betrayal of the founding principles of our nation.

The flimsy pretext for Trump's comments, building on a previous suggestion that Muslim-Americans should be required to register in a national database, was a mass shooting last week in San Bernardino, Calif. Shooters Tafsheen Malik and Syed Farook appear to have been supporters of the violent terrorist organization ISIS. Farook was a U.S.-born citizen; Malik entered the country on a so-called "fiance" visa after the pair married abroad.

Blame for the actions of a small number of violent extremists cannot be portioned out to every member of the world's second-largest religion. Trump's assertion that Muslims should be barred from entering this country, because they might be terrorists, slurs the integrity of more than 1.6 billion people. It defies common sense, and is likely unconstitutional.

Because anti-Muslim bigotry in America is on the rise, this is a safe political gambit. A growing number of self-identified Republicans tell pollsters that they're unsure whether Islam should be legal. Persistent rumors, sometimes encouraged by those in high places, falsely suggest that America is home to "no-go" zones controlled solely by Muslims and where sharia law holds sway. The latest, a far-fetched theory tacitly endorsed by Trump at a recent campaign rally, is that Muslim-Americans have training camps on U.S. soil to teach jihad.

It is the natural outgrowth of the Republican Party's longstanding flirtation with bigotry, its turn away from the civil rights movement, its electoral "Southern strategy," which relied on racism and bigotry to win national elections, its abandonment of affirmative action, its widespread skepticism and disdain for immigrants and immigration. Decades of the GOP walking the line of racist discourse have given Trump permission to espouse and promote outright bigotry.

That leading Republicans have denounced Trump provides only modest cover. Trump's soaring support reveals harsh truths about the party base that so-called establishment Republicans have built, with fear and bigotry and xenophobia, with the notion that a fictitious, former America should be our ideal — ignoring the reality of life for women and minorities during that golden age — and most harmfully, by perpetuating the idea that success for others, particularly non-white, non-Christian, non-heterosexual, non-male others, means they will lose. It's a false equation, but one that has given Republican candidates significant traction among some demographies.

This is the subtext for the last 50 years of Republican politics: fear. And hatred.

Those are the currents that shaped Gov. Rick Snyder's response to the ISIS attacks in Paris last month. Snyder, who for much of his administration has touted a pro-immigration stance, announced that Michigan would "press pause" on any effort to welcome Syrian refugees.

Snyder's rhetoric is more measured than Trump's, but it is rooted in the same tacit endorsement of bigotry that says any Muslim could be a threat. Both men legitimize hatred with their words, to dangerous effect.

Of course, that’s not everyone in the GOP. Those who disagree with Trump, and who are dismayed by the party’s turn toward divisiveness, are also poorly served by Trump and his ilk. It's up to mainstream, sanity-inspired Republicans to take back their party not only from Trump's raw bigotry, but from the politics of coy solicitation of that division for electoral gain. We are already beginning to hear some of those voices raised in genuine objection; we need, desperately, to hear more.

Ask Dearborn Mayor Jack O'Reilly. Because more than 30% of Dearborn's 95,000 residents are Arab-American or of Arab descent, this quiet suburban community is often the target of extremists bent on agitation or harm. Dearborn's police force monitors and responds to such threats.

Muslims and Arab Americans "aren’t some unknown people in our town," O'Reilly said. "They’ve been part of our town for almost all of our history. We have third-, fourth-generation and more. (Arab-Americans) are so much the fabric of who we are. ... They’re teachers, they’re the police force, they’re no different from anyone else here."

But Trump's words have reach, and influence. That scares O'Reilly.

The history of humankind shows that when someone stirs the emotions of one group, they can get them to disregard their intellect and act in some pretty heinous ways," O'Reilly said. "Look at world history and we see it over and over again. For him to play that card, he makes it sound like the most prevalent enemy, that on our shores, we are inundated with all kinds of Muslims who are out to get us. ... He’s saying that the greatest danger, the thing that is the greatest exposure for Americans is Muslims, period ... That it is not a religion, but a plot to conquer the world. That’s the messaging."

That messaging has real, harmful consequences for millions of American Muslims. For millions of Syrian refugees seeking safe harbor. For Muslim immigrants from other nations, dreaming of becoming Americans. For America's reputation as a beacon of freedom and democracy, the land of equality. For American troops abroad, who are most directly affected by American politicians' actions.

This is what Trump puts at risk, for a bump in the polls.

Americans who support the real estate magnate turned reality television star turned ersatz politician either bestow approval on the candidate precisely because of his disdain for immigrants, Hispanics and Muslims — or because it just doesn't bother them that much.

Contrast Trump's statements to President Barack Obama's Sunday night address from the Oval Office:

Muslim Americans are our friends and our neighbors, our coworkers, our sports heroes — and, yes, they are our men and women in uniform who are willing to die in defense of our country. We have to remember that."

And so: We stand with San Bernardino. We stand with Paris. We stand with Beirut. We stand with Syrian refugees, seeking a safer life in our country, still a beacon of democracy and freedom, despite Trump's efforts to the contrary. We stand with the Christians, Muslims, Jews, atheists, Hindus, Buddhists and all others who make up our community.

We stand with America.

Mr. Trump, with whom do you stand?
Yes. Craven and appealing to the worst of us. The worst in us.

I wonder at what point, if ever, the media will begin to fear what they've helped create.

You get cooler news in a newspaper too.:D

I would not know.

I assume we are better.

Do you get what you deserve?
Headlines aren't what they used to be. Yahoo at least gives me a teaser before I go to their overrun ad site. Here I have no clue what that person is going to write about. So, strictly based on his/her headline...

You can watch and not ingest what you see or stop expecting to be fed and earn what you deserve.
Hatred is a better unifier than love. Largely because of a bad economy the United States is throbbing with hate. Donald Trump knows how to turn that hate into personal power. Every time he condemns an unpopular minority group his approval rating rises.

If the leaders of the Republican Party think they can tame or derail Trump they are mistaken. The angry white men hate the Democrats, but they do not live the Republicans. They love Trump because he hates the same people they do.
Has me thinking about Marshal McCluhan and the medium is the message.

So that is reckoned wisdom which,
Describes the scratch but not the itch
I have neglected to complete the ensemble of thoughts, and connect the first television broadcast that changed everything overnight, and the explosive proliferation of electronic communication technology in recent years.

Donald Trump is a simple to comprehend blip running through the fiber optic line.
He supplies material that provokes gut level reactions.
No thought necessary, if you agree.
No thought necessary if you disagree.

Positive reaction, or negative reaction.
A strong reaction, either way.
Momentarily attracts attention.
Provides a recognizable image
(decades of media exposure)
with unusual features.
(He is hair is always changing!)

Plenty of add ons for distraction
wife, daughter, sons, former wives
Brutal security guards to supplement his words of violence.

He stands out, because he violates expectations.
He does not fit the mold of Pseudo New Republican
He does not fit the accepted mold of Old Republican.

He appears to present something new, though
it is the same, familiar, fear, hate, hope combination.

He is the perfect man, for people that do not want to make the effort to think.

The one thing that he does not have is integrity.
The truth does not have much in common with Donald Trump.
The truth is complex, and gets in the way
of instant gratification.

The fans are getting what they want.
An echo.

What I will admit to, is that Donald Trump has taken up residence in my thoughts.
He has been given a position of prominence in our electronic media.
He is causing harm, and all he is doing is running off at the mouth.

I fear that against all hope the "thing," that this man is becoming, would find a way to rule our nation.

G.W. Bush did it, with millions of voters crying the word No.
Ronald Reagan did it, and half the nation reacted with disgust.
Dick Nixon did it, with half the nation in rebellion against him.
We would be better served if our Major Journalistic Media would use logic and American Principles as a guide for their reports, rather than sensationalism.

Unfortunately the cultural level of the 'Great Unwashed' that forms the consumer classes, would rather the sensationalism of a Trump to the pragmatism of a Saunders or the nuanced diplomacy of HR Clinton. I mean if the Rubes fall for Trump's demagoguery, how would they ever be able to play a long game of Foreign Affairs.

Consequently the advertising dollar and short term focus of Capitalism forces the Corporate Media to pander to the lowest common denominator and completely ignores their duty to add to the knowledge of the people they depend on for "Eyeballs on the Ads". This is especially worse since they quashed the Fairness Doctrine.

It is too bad that the LSM continues to publish the ravings of Trump, Huckabee, or Cruz. We would be better off if they were ignored, like Santorum.
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There is a danger if a free press starts to interfere in a free electoral process. Has been done before. Probably still to some extent.

Media gets it's money from advertisements. Not the unwashed masses. They are in business to sell newspapers (or whatever). Sex sells, violence sells, Trump sells. Can you imagine how boring of a read a newspaper or site would be that just did good news? And how poor and second rate it would be. Heavily biased too, I would bet, on certain issues of reporting.
There is a danger if a free press starts to interfere in a free electoral process. Has been done before. Probably still to some extent.

Media gets it's money from advertisements. Not the unwashed masses. They are in business to sell newspapers (or whatever). Sex sells, violence sells, Trump sells. Can you imagine how boring of a read a newspaper or site would be that just did good news? And how poor and second rate it would be. Heavily biased too, I would bet, on certain issues of reporting.

This is an example of what I was talking about in my, I thought, nuanced and specific post.

First you counter my argument by saying what I said was correct then you completely ignore the fact that the "Great Unwashed Masses' are exactly the reason for adverting in our consumer driven society.
It appears that even if you try to bring sanity to a discussion, people don't read what you write but go off on a "knee Jerk" and completely miss the points you specifically put in the post. The level of education in Gen X-Y has degenerated to this.
We would be better served if our Major Journalistic Media would use logic and American Principles as a guide for their reports, rather than sensationalism.

Unfortunately the cultural level of the 'Great Unwashed' that forms the consumer classes, would rather the sensationalism of a Trump to the pragmatism of a Saunders or the nuanced diplomacy of HR Clinton. I mean if the Rubes fall for Trump's demagoguery, how would they ever be able to play a long game of Foreign Affairs.

Consequently the advertising dollar and short term focus of Capitalism forces the Corporate Media to pander to the lowest common denominator and completely ignores their duty to add to the knowledge of the people they depend on for "Eyeballs on the Ads". This is especially worse since they quashed the Fairness Doctrine.

It is too bad that the LSM continues to publish the ravings of Trump, Huckabee, or Cruz. We would be better off if they were ignored, like Santorum.

We not be better served, IMO. Who says what is logical or what American/German/Canadian/? principles? What is to stop Trump from buying up a media empire and saying whatever he wants. Let the news report whatever they think is news worthy. Then apply your own logic and principles to filter out what is wrong, evil or just trash. As long as the media itself is not supporting hate just reporting it, I can live with it. Half a dozen media companies could silence Trump. So we have 6 board's of directors and editors deciding who gets time to propose an election platform to the mob.

Unless you wish to advocate for state run television with an independent budget or heavily subscribed public television relying, capitalist media is here to stay. That is a reality which cannot be ignored. Roman politicians and Emperors put on free games and gave out bread to the mob. Times haven't changed much.

I'm a boomer.
We Are Better Than What Is Being Pitched to Us from TV

Are we? Who is willing to forgo a big V-8 truck for a 4cyl compact, if they can easily afford the truck? Who is willing to forgo cheap energy and endure higher prices for non-fossil fuels? Who is willing to open their doors to strangers in times of need without reservation? Who always wants more, more more? More money, a bigger car and a nice big home. Irrelevant that you could live adequately on far less than most make today in the west. Irrelevant that rabid consumerism breeds Black Fridays and Trump Casinos.

Ask not what your country, the world and your community can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country, the world and your community? Yeah, right!
The truth sells. Anyone consider this little fact?

If that was the case I would expect them to agree on what was the truth. It is surely the whole truth and nothing but the truth that you want. Can you honestly say that is what you get.

One of our civil servants coined a phrase which was taken to be a euphemism for lying. He said, "I did not lie. I was being economical with the truth."
The truth sells. Anyone consider this little fact?

So did WMD in Iraq! Lies sell even better sometimes because they are easier to believe. Truth and good are far harder to achieve than lies and evil. Hitler sold lies all the time. So did Stalin. So did Nixon.
We Are Better Than What Is Being Pitched to Us from TV

Are we? Who is willing to forgo a big V-8 truck for a 4cyl compact, if they can easily afford the truck? Who is willing to forgo cheap energy and endure higher prices for non-fossil fuels? Who is willing to open their doors to strangers in times of need without reservation? Who always wants more, more more? More money, a bigger car and a nice big home. Irrelevant that you could live adequately on far less than most make today in the west. Irrelevant that rabid consumerism breeds Black Fridays and Trump Casinos.

Ask not what your country, the world and your community can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country, the world and your community? Yeah, right!
I'll take the compact, because I have to park it in Uptown.
Lies sell even better sometimes because they are easier to believe. Truth and good are far harder to achieve than lies and evil.
If you can dig up a copy of Allan Sherman's THE RAPE OF THE A*P*E (American Protestant Ethic) read his short chapter on why lies are better than truth. In brief:

I. Credibility. Lies are more believable than The Truth.
II. Reliability. Lies are more dependable than The Truth.
III. Economy. Lies are simpler than The Truth. Lies cost less than The truth in time, money and effort.
IV. Value. Lies are worth more money than the Truth. Have your ever heard of anyone bribing a witness to tell the Truth?
V. Respectability. Lies lead to libraries and universities [funded by guilty liars], while The Truth leads to blackmail.
VI. Stability. Lies are stronger and last longer than The Truth.
VII. Imagination. Lies are more creative [and entertaining] than The Truth.
VIII. Recognizability. People are accustomed to hearing Lies all the time.
IX. Supply and Demand. Lies are in good supply and the demand for them remains strong. The Truth is in short supply, but even this far exceeds the demand.
The American people are jumping on Trump's bandwagon because he speaks truthfully. The media has been crafting narratives for decades and many see right through them. The left is so used to getting their way that they honestly don't know what to make of a Trump. The right has even turned on him and it's because they are used to playing their game. Trump marches to his own drummer and many people respect that. Love him or hate him, he is here to stay. He speaks of what's on people's minds. Not like that Charlie McCarthy doll Obama has in the White House named Josh Earnest or Hillary the chronic liar. The system as it stands is awful. Many people want nothing to do with American politics as usual.
The American people are jumping on Trump's bandwagon because he speaks truthfully. The media has been crafting narratives for decades and many see right through them. The left is so used to getting their way that they honestly don't know what to make of a Trump. The right has even turned on him and it's because they are used to playing their game. Trump marches to his own drummer and many people respect that. Love him or hate him, he is here to stay. He speaks of what's on people's minds. Not like that Charlie McCarthy doll Obama has in the White House named Josh Earnest or Hillary the chronic liar. The system as it stands is awful. Many people want nothing to do with American politics as usual.

The only way he speaks truthfully is that he is stating his opinion. It is probably true that it is his opinion.

Politicians say what they think will get them elected. Truth is an inconvenience. They are usually economical with what truth they do use. When listening to Mr trump you would do well to remember the following quote.

"But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictatorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Herman Goering.
The only way he speaks truthfully is that he is stating his opinion. It is probably true that it is his opinion.

Politicians say what they think will get them elected. Truth is an inconvenience. They are usually economical with what truth they do use. When listening to Mr trump you would do well to remember the following quote.

"But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictatorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Herman Goering.

So says the obvious American hater.
So says the obvious American hater.

So speaks the voice of Paranoia doing exactly what Herman Goering said he should.

If you can find any references to America and Americans in my post. Please reveal them to us all.

Maybe you think that anyone who disagrees with you hates America and Americans. However, it looks to me like an extension of Goering's principle.
PolitiFact has fact-checked the candidates. Mr Trump and Dr Carson do not seem to know what truth is; Sen Cruz, Sen Graham, and Ms Fiorina are not far behind. This has nothing to do with rating their philosophies, just whether what they say is factual or bullshit. GOP=BS.

Note: I am a Green, not a Dem. Dems get better fact-check ratings than GOPs but they're still lying scum IMHO. Do USAnians get the politicians they deserve?
I*hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is the best policy.

George Washington