1HF's New Avatar

Hey, I start something brilliant, the least you all can do is keep it running. I don't wanna hog all the brilliance.

I am off to sleep, as its late and my wrist is tired.

This better be 500 posts by the morning.
Whats with pman and girlfriends 4500 miles away. He has a thing for Australian girls.

There needs to be more tree shaming in this thread.

I'm also sad to note that KS hasn't been struck by lightning, run over by a semi, been shat upon by every species known to man and then set on fire :( there really must not be a god.
There needs to be more tree shaming in this thread.

I'm also sad to note that KS hasn't been struck by lightning, run over by a semi, been shat upon by every species known to man and then set on fire :( there really must not be a god.

I might get diabeetus from cannoli and fudge. So theres that.
Slutty tree

Whats with pman and girlfriends 4500 miles away. He has a thing for Australian girls.


I have a fetish for girls who can't pronounce the letter R to save their life. It's like trying to watch them create perpetual motion pronouncing the word "juror". It's a J followed by what sounds like 15 vowels.

It's my thing.

I have a fetish for girls who can't pronounce the letter R to save their life. It's like trying to watch them create perpetual motion pronouncing the word "juror". It's a J followed by what sounds like 15 vowels.

It's my thing.


Fuck you. I can't even pronounce my own name.
How many more woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground have been violated?
