Searching for a story? Look here.

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Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
In order to cut down on the number of threads for readers seeking stories. The authors here have decided to have one "master thread" and see how this works out.

So if you are looking for a particular story, please post what you are looking for here and people will be checking daily and every time the thread is bumped with a new request.

Also when looking for a story try to post as much detail as possible to give the people trying to help-or who the story may be familiar to-the best chance to find it.

Plus with all the requests on one thread this can lead to a new way for people to check out some new stories they otherwise would not have found.

Happy hunting. :D
sr is hypocritical as normal. When a few people posted unpublished stories here he went on the rampage until the site changed the hitherto rules. OK, but his new indifference to people hijacking a stories feedback forum is just unbelievable.

Sure, the site doesn't want another forum but these requests for story search (just now 22 out of 40 non-sticky posts) needs to be addressed. It debases the whole intent of the forum.

I hope lovecraft's thread filters out this but I have my doubts.

This forum is feedback on published stories as sr never hesitates to remind us, but he seems oblivious to the creeping cancer of, ' looking for a story'.

Good luck lc.
Thanks Elfin.

I doubt it will work as it will drift down and people won't see it, or won;t want their request mixed with others.

If this were a sticky at the top, maybe.

But its worth a shot, if you don't try, you never know.
I didn't post they shouldn't be permitted to ask the question. I posted it's fine that they ask where they want to--they are going to ask anyway. I doubted they would look for an isolated thread to ask there. Elfin's just being her usual addled twit.
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It's fine with me that they just find the stories they want to find. It will be interesting to see if any of them go looking for this thread to do so.
I noticed recently the number of threads of people looking for stories. It would be nice if they could be put elsewhere. Hope your idea works, LC.
Nobody has yet asked for a story here. I predict this thread will become a discussion of why requests aren't made here. Then the flame wars will start. Grab the petrol, folks; it's a scorcher.
Nobody has yet asked for a story here. I predict this thread will become a discussion of why requests aren't made here. Then the flame wars will start. Grab the petrol, folks; it's a scorcher.

I'm looking for a story, kind of a weird one, a brother and sister turn into some kind of insect I think and then they mate as insects and.....does this sound familiar to anyone?
Hey, I'm looking for a story...don't remember the title or the author, but it's about a guy and his girl. Oh, yeah and the horse. Can someone help me?
Hey, I'm looking for a story...don't remember the title or the author, but it's about a guy and his girl. Oh, yeah and the horse. Can someone help me?

You need to make your own thread (or arrest warrant) regarding your obsession with 12-year-olds.
Yep, there is always going to be that one asshole, that malcontent, that pissant that ruins it for the rest of us. :(
This is a good idea, since I generally don't like creating new threads to ask for a story. I always feel I am making a nuisance of myself. But since it is here...

I have been looking for this story for a while, and I can't remember if it was here or not. I *think* it might have had mind control in it so it might have been at mcstories, but I can't find it there.

Anyway, it was about a rather prim woman who is forced to do things she hates. I can't remember why. It may have been blackmail or mc. But the kicker for me was that she was also forced (compelled?) to act and declare to everyone that she really really wants it. I have a memory of her dressing in a tiny black leather miniskirt and sucking off a guy in a bar, in front of his friends, taking a facial. She doesn't want to do it but has to act like she is really hot for it. It also got pretty extreme. Any ideas?
This is a good idea, since I generally don't like creating new threads to ask for a story. I always feel I am making a nuisance of myself. But since it is here...

I have been looking for this story for a while, and I can't remember if it was here or not. I *think* it might have had mind control in it so it might have been at mcstories, but I can't find it there.

Anyway, it was about a rather prim woman who is forced to do things she hates. I can't remember why. It may have been blackmail or mc. But the kicker for me was that she was also forced (compelled?) to act and declare to everyone that she really really wants it. I have a memory of her dressing in a tiny black leather miniskirt and sucking off a guy in a bar, in front of his friends, taking a facial. She doesn't want to do it but has to act like she is really hot for it. It also got pretty extreme. Any ideas?

Sounds like a pretty standard plot for that category and it could have been here as lit has a mind control category(personally I have no idea how it rated a separate category seeing it falls right into non consent reluctance.)

Also lit used to have a 'sister site" extreme stories and when they shut it down many stories ended up here so...

But I wouldn't know how to look for that. Thank you for trying out the thread though hopefully someone comes along who can help.
Yep, there is always going to be that one asshole, that malcontent, that pissant that ruins it for the rest of us. :(

Yet another member confusing their computer monitor with their mirror...

In the words of Jeff Dunham's ventriloquist dummy, Walter (as opposed to Zeb, just the average dummy), "I can see you!! We can all see you!"
Yet another member confusing their computer monitor with their mirror...

In the words of Jeff Dunham's ventriloquist dummy, Walter (as opposed to Zeb, just the average dummy), "I can see you!! We can all see you!"

ventriloquil figures are very scary and they have those big wooden heads.
so instead i made a medallion that i wear around my neck everywhere constantly.

also wat r we looking @
The idea of a single thread for searching stories is a good idea, but I feel that requests might be skipped in a continuous thread.

An entire sub forum should do the work, I think.
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