Emm's New Happy Silly Place

ohhh, a little kinky!!! love it


Me love KINKY
with YOU :D
Ready :devil:
Can you make those nice tassles go around and around?

Nice inclusion of the post for Robin! How can the funny men in our culture keep crashing so hard?? And women... Gilda Radner.... I still can't think about Gene Wilder without being sad.

Ohhh they go around and around and than some…..:D
I know…. I still sad about him…. such a great person, so sad that you don;t see a way out…..:(
Great pics Emmy! I especially love #4! Can I borrow that jewelry? I'll pull it off myself...with my teeth 😈😜😝

Actually I'll take one and Kitty will take the other 😈😈

Thanks sweet sexy one and you know you can borrow anything and everything from me, as long we can have pictures.
And since your busy with my stuff, I will take care of your KITTY :D:devil:
Such a sweet sexy body. Absolutely love your thread! I have to stop myself from licking my screen!
drtshare is a saint for all his work gathering and indexing all these wonderful photos. And Emmy is just a wonder, a natural wonder, everything sexy in one beautiful woman. So captivating and arousing, inspiring my eyes, my cock, my mind all at once.

He sure is.
MMMM love that :D:devil: