Emm's New Happy Silly Place

My, my, my...This would be so much fun. :devil: Sexy body! :rose:


Thanks sweet sexy one, now cum over and ravage moi :D:devil:
aww, I USED to have a picture of them approaching the water....but sadly that was one entire computer ago.

Yes, I miss you so much. I want to get you out her so I can get my hug and kiss and have tons more fun with you.
LOL such great memories, no worries I still have those pictures and treasures them Like I treasure YOU my sexy pirate.
I could send them again to you.
Well you'll get all the hugs and kisses from me that you want. I'll always be here to give them to you.

...oh yes, I would LOVE to hold you in my arms and dream.......Although I would be living a dream so nothing would be able to compare.

MMM its been to long for sure, I want to hugh and :kiss::kiss::kiss: YOU again.
But so hope your doing great my sexy one.
Wow Emmy!! I feel like I hit the mother lode of sexy pics tonight. Would love to sdpend a Monday morning with you, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and.......:D

Ohhh thanks sweet sexy one, mmmmm I would love spending every day with YOU.
Hope your doing great, smiling and naughty.
Glad to see you posting again my sexxxy little woman in red! :heart:

Thanks sweet sexy one, and so hope your doing great, happy smiling and naughty.
And you know naughty with you would be HEAVEN.
:kiss::kiss::kiss: &:heart:
I'm not a frequent poster here but I do visit regularly to get my Emmy fix! I truly enjoy your sweet disposition, the way you bring out the positive in all of your many friends, and of course your delicious naughtiness :devil: too.
As long as you keep posting Emmy i'll keep coming (and cumming). Thank you for being here and being such a sexy, wonderful woman!


Such a sweet and wonderful post.
:kiss::kiss::kiss: Peach.
Emmy, Emmy, sweet Emmy! I have sooooo many hugs and kisses for you.
You are amazing and beautiful. Thank you for being the incredible you that you are.
Your smile eclipses the sun, and your spirit is an inspiring delight.

My sweet sexy Lexa always so great to have a post from you.
MMM only to have those huggz and :kiss::kiss::kiss: in person, would be a dream come true.
Thanks lovely.
LOL. and yes its YOURS I want…

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get that a lot on eBay. Then they start asking prying questions, like, "Is it used?" "Does it work?"

Great catch, now where is my reward

Hmm . . . in Heaven? No, I didn't think so. I'll see what I can do.


LOL let me see what I can do:D:devil: