The Declaration of Apparent Orchestrated Intent

C :: Mega Happy ZJ

This has to start somewhere.

SO:: Just in CASE you(ne1) FORGOT::
-This is why it is WRONG to FUCK Children
-This is also why it's wrong for 50 y/o MEN to FUCK Barely Legal TEENS

***NOW:: There is not two sides to this issue. I don't care what justification exists, because I know for a fact that PEDOPHILES and CHILD MOLESTERS NEED HELP to HURT CHILDREN

#1. Abusing a CHILD causes longterm DAMAGE and repercussions::
Fighting against taking advantage of a HUMAN BEING is what we founded this country on. Not Enough? C:: The 13th Amend Me NT
Don't believe me? Listen to Otep, KoRn, Disturbed, or ICP +more

#2. Sex with a CHILD is against the LAW. Period. It is a Mental Disorder. This sexual orientation stuff is bullshit. If you are only attracted to little girls or boys then maybe you're ACTUALLY attracted to short and skinny unintelligent adults whom you can take advantage of.

Maybe learn some self control?

Need Proof?
THE LAW said:
Any sexual act that involves a minor and an adult is unlawful. Individuals who are below the age of consent are considered by the law to be unable to give consent to any type of sexual activity. It is commonly believed that any person who molests a child is a pedophile and that is not always true. According to research, only two to ten percent of all child molesters are pedophiles in the true definition of the word. The majority of child molesters are situational offenders whose motives and desires are different than those of a pedophile. Regardless of motive or offender characteristics (pedophile or not), any act committed by an adult or older child that is sexual in nature and involves children is an illegal felony offense.

The focus of pedophilia is sexual activity with a child. Many courts interpret this reference to age to mean children under the age of 18. Most mental health professionals, however, confine the definition of pedophilia to sexual activity with prepubescent children, who are generally age 13 or younger. The term ephebophilia , derived from the Greek word for "youth," is sometimes used to describe sexual interest in young people in the first stages of puberty.
The sexual behaviors involved in pedophilia cover a range of activities and may or may not involve the use of force. Some pedophiles limit their behaviors to exposing themselves or masturbating in front of the child, or fondling or undressing the child, but without genital contact. Others, however, compel the child to participate in oral sex or full genital intercourse.
The most common overt aspect of pedophilia is an intense interest in children. There is no typical pedophile. Pedophiles may be young or old, male or female, although the great majority are males. Unfortunately, some pedophiles are professionals who are entrusted with educating or maintaining the health and well-being of young persons, while others are entrusted with children to whom they are related by blood or marriage. ---^

#3. Dissociative Identity/Personality Disorder::
Dissociate: dis•so ci•a tive adj.
v. dis•so•ci•at•ed, dis•so•ci•at•ing, dis•so•ci•ates
1. To remove from association; separate: "Marx never dissociated man from his social environment" (Sidney Hook).
2. Chemistry To cause to undergo dissociation.
1. To cease associating; part.
2. Biology To mutate or change morphologically, often reversibly.
3. Chemistry To undergo dissociation.

Adj.1.dissociative - tending to produce dissociation
divisible - capable of being or liable to be divided or separated; "even numbers are divisible by two"; "the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible"

Awesome said:
How do they ensure adults survivors of long-term early childhood abuse (and even young children not dissociated) are not believed? The answer lies in understanding the pedophile mindset, a place most of us prefer not to go. I don't believe we have a choice any longer. If you want to protect your children, you have to know. Educators need to know, medical and health professionals need to know, social services needs to know, and law enforcement needs to know, at the very least. And there needs to be a coordinating element in the community (preferably nationally) especially for the organized element of child abuse. -----^

Diagnostic Statistics Manual IV said:
Dissociative Identity Disorder is codified 300.14 in DSM IV. The disorder was formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder.
Diagnostic Criteria
According to DSM IV, the following criteria must be met in order for the individual to be diagnosed for dissociative identity disorder:
Criterion A: two or more distinct identities or personality states are present in the individual.
Criterion B: these distinct identities take control over the behavior recurrently.
Criterion C: the individual is unable to recall important personal information, and this inability is too severe to be attributed to mere ordinary forgetfulness.
Criterion D: the disturbance is not an outcome of substance abuse or general medical condition.

Individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder have been found to be highly hypnotizable and especially vulnerable to suggestive influences. These individuals may also concurrently manifest posttraumatic symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks and startle responses, or also PTSD. In some alternate identities, self-mutilation and suicidal and aggressive behavior, along with impulsivity and sudden changes in relationships have warranted a concurrent diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. In some cases, certain identities have been found to experience conversion symptoms (e.g. pseudoseizures), or to possess the ability to control pain.

In a number of cases, these individuals report having experienced severe physical and sexual abuse, especially during childhood. There may also be a repetitive pattern of relationships involving physical and sexual abuse.

Wellness Times said:
Dissociative disorders :

Overview: Dissociative disorders occur when individuals involuntarily try to escape from reality. For instance, patients may suppress troubling memories or even take on alternative identities. There are four main types of dissociative disorders: dissociative amnesia, dissociative identity disorder, dissociative fugue, and depersonalization disorder.

Causes: Dissociative disorders usually develop in response to traumatic experiences. It appears to be a coping mechanism to keep troubling memories at bay. Dissociative disorders are most common among children who have been emotionally, physically, or sexually abused. In some cases, the disorder may develop in children who are raised in frightening or unpredictable environments. This is because a patient's personality is still developing during childhood. During these years, a child is more capable of stepping outside of reality to observe traumatic events as if it is happening to someone else. As a result, children are more susceptible than adults to developing these disorders. Once a child develops a dissociative disorder, he/she may use this coping mechanism throughout life.

Still wonder what is wrong with kids today? Fine.

#4. PTSD:: aka: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ------v
DSM IV said:
Appendix E: DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

A. The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the following were present:
(1) The person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others.
(2) The person’s response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Note: In children, this may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated behavior.
B. The traumatic event is persistently reexperienced in one (or more) of the following ways:
(3) Recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note: In young children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed.
(4) Recurrent distressing dreams of the event. Note: In children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content.
(5) Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience; illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative flashback episodes, including those that occur on awakening or when intoxicated). Note: In young children, trauma-specific reenactment may occur.
(6) Intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
(7) Physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic even
C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
(8) Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma
(9) Efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma
(10) Inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma
(11) Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities
(12) Feeling of detachment or estrangement from others
(13) Restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings)
(14) Sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a normal lifespan)
D. Persistent symptoms of increased arousal (not present before the trauma), as indicated by two (or more) of the following:
(1) Difficulty falling or staying asleep
(2) Irritability or outbursts of anger
(3) Difficulty concentrating
(4) Hypervigilance
(5) Exaggerated startle response
E. Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in Criteria B, C, and D) is more than 1 month.
F. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

Can you say Hyper Sexualized?????
Tell me being abused by someone twice your size isn't similar to life threatening combat. I fucking dare you.

-National Child Abuse Statistics::

-Sad Legacy Of Abuse: The Search For Remedies By DANIEL GOLEMAN
Published: January 24, 1989

#5. There is also a potential for an Abused child to BECOME AN ABUSER.
WebMD said:
"The message here is that sexual victimization alone is not sufficient to suggest a boy is likely to grow up to become a sex offender," study author and psychiatrist Arnon Bentovim tells WebMD. "But our study does show that abused boys who grow up in families where they are exposed to a great deal of violence or neglect are at particular risk."

Twenty-six of the 224 sex abuse victims (12%) later committed sexual offenses, and in almost all cases their victims were also children. Abused children who came from families where violence was common were more than three times as likely" (36%+) "to become abusers as were those who experienced maternal neglect and sexual abuse by females.
One-third of the adult abusers had been cruel to animals as children, compared with just 5% of the child abuse victims who did not grow up to commit sexual crimes. But abusers and nonabusers experienced similar levels of physical abuse as children, and there were few significant differences in the severity or characteristics of the sexual abuse they suffered.

I found all of this without even trying, and without using my neighbor as an example.

What the hell is everyone else's problem?

Think about this... HERE IS YOUR ZJ ::: ----v

#6: The Symptoms of Early Childhood Abuse RESEMBLE THAT of AUTISM and ADHD + SO Many More

Kanner's Syndrome aka Kanner's Autism aka Adjustment Disorder
Adjustment disorder, agoraphobia, antipsychotics, anxiety, anxiety disorders, autism, behavioral therapy, body dysmorphic disorder, brain disease, brain disorder, CBT, conversion disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy, dissociative disorders, GAD, generalized anxiety disorder, identify disorder, Kanner's syndrome, neurological disease, neurological disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, mental illness, personality disorders, phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychiatric, psychiatrist, psychosocial treatment, psychotherapy, psychotic, psychosis, psychosomatic disorder, PTSD, SAD, schizophrenia, serotonin, social anxiety disorder, somatization disorder, somatoform disorder.

Still wonder why it is being over diagnosed and turning into an epidemic?
Denis Leary may have been totally wrong when he said 'there is no autism, only bad parents,' but he ALSO may have been onto something.
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C:: Truthbomb

Maybe Parents Ought to look in the mirror instead of taking their kids to a Psychologist or Psychiatrist.

There are real autistics, ask me how iKnow, but there are also misdiagnosed kids on drugs because their parents don't give a flying fuck.


I feel better now.

/me end angst.
C: More Liars....

Ok:: SO::
Went to the station, waited around for a bit to talk to the officer.

I offered him a verbal motion for dismissal, using the 5th and the fact that no evidence of an actual crime existed.

He really is the nice guy I thought he was, as he said 'Look, if you show up to court, and don't intentionally start any trouble, I'll drop the charges.'

"Talking beats fighting, and talking is only about my third favorite thing."

NOW:: I can sue the crap out of the Police Department...

...BUT:: I don't want to...
...BECAUSE:: Now I have a friend in an important place.

Thinking like a Civil Individual is not robotics.

**NOTE:: I have every intention of going after the Detective, because he is bad at his job
A some1 has to perform an abatement of nuisance, might as well be me...
...because with great power (knowledge) comes great responsibility.

Lesson over.

Lesson reboot::

So, I went to pick up my police report for my arrest.

I got it and it, just like the rape one, is full of bullshit.

I thought the officer was cool, and then he files a bullshit report?
In fact, it now says I made threats to the guy downstairs....
Oh... and a noise ordinance violation is a PHYSICAL ASSAULT ? WTF... Thanks Tim Robbins... (see Noise)

"The victim (Pedophile) stated he recorded the statement made by the victim on his cell phone which I have also listened to. While Listening to the recording I could hear a male voice state when the music paused "I will kill you if you step out of your house". "

Yeah.... Like I am that stupid. Why would I goto the cops if I was going to kick his ass in the 1st place.... which I already stated clearly that I WOULD NOT.

Yeah. This dog ain't hunting monsignor...

Now I have to speak to him, again, tomorrow when he is on duty.
At least the supervisor who explained the report and gave me the off duty officer's hours was cool. He even kind of whispered 'Good luck.'

The report also states that I was read the law ahead of time and then arrested.

So the probable cause is bullshit. Awesome.

But it lines up very well with the harrassment charges that are actually self defense on my part.


..and then I got a letter from the Gloucester County Municiple Court stating that they are going to dismiss the matter and impose the fines if they don't get thet transcripts within thirty days, even though the transcripts are the wrong dates.

I can't imagine what they look like.

So then I went to the State Police Barracks to find out if this 'detective' actually sent all of my stuff to the lab, since it's a State Police laboratory. Of course he wanted to read the report and tell me how it sounded like a great investigation.

I agreed with him, and said: "It sure is great if it was what actually happened and you wanted to wrap a case up."

All I wanted was the Lab phone number. But he 'had to' read it and say words like 'anal' 'rape' 'penetration' 'rectum' and 'sodomy'

Thanks for that.... I like how I think I was raped became::
"(The victim) stated that he believed himself to be the victim, that on diverse dates he had been drugged and sodomized in his rectum."

And then I got the number for the State Police Lab.

I figured since I was already fucked I'd ask him about 39.4-98.4 and highway Jurisdiction.

He told me that Logan Twp can regulate traffic, but they don't have jurisdiction, but they do have jurisdiction. When I mentioned the LAW he looked at me like I had horns....

Awesome. Glad I'm not a quitter.
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C :: P R E

Well, that didn't take long::

"Organizing for Action, the non-profit group that branched off the Obama campaign, used this week’s Navy Yard shooting to ask supporters for donations in an e-mail. The e-mail asks supporters to*“chip in today” after supporters​*sign an online petition to push for more gun-control measures.

“If you’re like me, you heard the news about the 12 Americans who died in D.C.’s Navy Yard shooting — and you had those familiar feelings of grief and frustration,” OFA executive director Jon Carson begins. “As President Obama said, these events are too common. We all stand numb, trying to wrap our minds around another tragedy that breaks our hearts.” "

Soul? wut?

...also, that sure does make a perfectly reasonable explaination....
C :: World Metaphor

SO:: Here's the problem with lying pieces of shit.

They hate the truth so much that when confronted with it, they get sneaky, and act like bigger pieces of shit.

Case in point:: The pedo downstairs started playing a small boom box to confront my epic home stereo that gets loud enough to not violate noise laws but still be awesome.

More than likely it is because of this::‎

Or this::

Or this::‎

Enjoy the self defense mechanisms.
So I had an ide to go with post #326 = 8 +6 = 14 = 5 :)

How many Hollywood stars/starlets fit the profile?

How many broken individuals exist in fame that fit the symptoms of VICTIMS OF PEDOPHILIA?

-(Power Emotion Defense Encompass, Power Heart I, Love I 1Primary)

Asin: Take Take Take and fuck anyone else's feelings
Pedophiles need to stop thinking entirely about themselves.

You'd think, If they were as powerful as they pretended to be, that they would just turn themselves in.


lawls knows I'm still alive...

Scared Little Manipulators. read: sissy pussy

Sounds alot like a conglomerate....since they are all -y....

Weak is Weak.:caning:
C :: Not Forever You Par

So, Since this post # adds up to infinity, using infinity math, and I can see that it is going to happen, it makes a perfect example of how this 88math system works without a moral compass::

DISCLAIMER:: I'm just saying and I'm not using 'fire' & it's not crowded here::

SO:: From the Los Angeles County Child Welfare PAGE
They posted this PUBLICALLY::: (get it?)

Recent Updates said:
09.19Board Motions: Board Proclaims*September 2013 as "National Preparedness Month"*|*September 2013 as National Recovery Month*|September 11, 2013 as National Day of Service and Remembrance

Recent Updates in a creepy way said:
09.19(10) Boar d Mo ti on s:
Boar d Pro claims*September 2013(88math=6) a(1)s "Nation a l Prepare d ne ss Mo n t h"*|*
September 2013(6) a(1)s Nation a l Recover y Mo n t h*|
September 11, 2013(8) a(1)s Nation a l D a(1)y of Serv ice an d Re m e mbr an ce

--->CODED MESSAGE SAYS WHAT? (not mega happy ending :( )

Direct from here:: "All For The Love Of Kids" (ew?)

Yeah. So if Hollywood stars or say... The Church of Scientology have MILLIONS OF $$...

excuses? NE1? Bueller?

I thought my local DCF and Police were all ++Legit... ***ahem

Their Budget::‎

EXCUSES?? I planned to make this post 88, why couldn't someone else?


"How youth in county foster care, particularly in the emergency shelter, would be able to leave the shelter was not immediately clear. But as the accompanying video shows, the typical approach to young girls is to shower them with attention gifts, and a recruiter or pimp can earn up to $140,000 per child."
"Los Angeles DCFS (CPS) Employee Arrested by LAPD for Prostitution" !!!

I wonder who the good guys are? I hope it's Tom Cruise (cause Reacher Pwnage)
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C :: Honesty Wins Again

PayDay said:
So, I went to pic up the policee report for my arrest.

I got it and it, just like the rape one, is full of bullshit.I thought the officer was cool....

...Now I have to speak to him, again, tomorrow when he is on duty.

So. Went in and talked to the officer with the report, showed him some aspects of it that didn't make any sense to me, and asked him if what we had talked about was still the plan for court.

He looked at the report, asked what the deal was with the harrassment, and when I explained to him it had been filed before we had spoken, and he said to me that we agreed upon is what we agreed upon.


'nuff said short of THANKS.
C :: Brain Flood

SO: I dunno if NE1 remembers 2005-2007::

..But all I saw was a great economy and spending, despite the constant message of 'terrible economy' coming from all directions.

It was almost Pavlov esque with the way 'economic downturn' was being spoken.

No biggie, but brainwashing it in to the uniformed public at large makes those willing to spend worrysome and protective of what they do have, especially with having the future in mind.

So that said. Our 'troubled economy' needed a stimulus instead of a massive tax break and government reduction.

So the stimulus and bailouts and gimmies didn't work.

Turns out it makes the situation worse.

SO::What to do? Well, obviously, keep funding the stimulus. Duh?

...but someone sees it.

Wait, make that someone and some1 ::

" The statement was approved on a 9-1 vote. Esther George, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, dissented for the sixth time this year. She repeated her concerns that the bond purchases could fuel the risk of inflation and financial instability.

The decision to maintain its stimulus follows reports of sluggish economic growth. Employers slowed hiring this summer, and consumers spent more cautiously. "

...I often wonder if crashing a country is intentional.

Wonder = No Fact
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C :: pr

This article is a perfectly reasonable explaination for what's going on with the IRS scandal, problem is, it conflicts with FACT.

Seems like someone is trying to save FACE :::

" In the report, the investigators do not find evidence that*IRS*employees received orders from politicians to target the tea party, and agency officials deny overt bias or political motives.

But the report says the*IRS*was at least taking cues from political leaders and designed special policies to review tea party applications, including dispatching some of them to Washington to be vetted by headquarters. "

From here:: *

I didn't bother to finish it because my waders filled up with bias POV too fast.

++Not to mention:: If the report says both of these things, how easy would it be to falsely use aspects of it.

'garbage in garbage out'
C:: ? @ Reason

SO:: Speakingnof garbage in garbage out.

1. has anyone noticed all of the congressional sunglasses?

2. Considering that legalized pot allows citizens to grow there own unlaced pot, and you technically have no chemical data w/o experimentation to find out exactly what is in the pills and drugs you get from a hospital

3. (read:: ZJ) Has anyone every thought to DRUGTEST our elected officials?

ASIN:: For how many years did Ted Kennedy walk around the Senate DRUNK???

Maybe that explains everything? Because only an opiate addict would think this madness is government as written in the Constitution.
SO:: Speakingnof garbage in garbage out.

1. has anyone noticed all of the congressional sunglasses?

2. Considering that legalized pot allows citizens to grow there own unlaced pot, and you technically have no chemical data w/o experimentation to find out exactly what is in the pills and drugs you get from a hospital

3. (read:: ZJ) Has anyone every thought to DRUGTEST our elected officials?

ASIN:: For how many years did Ted Kennedy walk around the Senate DRUNK???

Maybe that explains everything? Because only an opiate addict would think this madness is government as written in the Constitution.

Sure does make this cocaine 'vaccine' make a whole lot more sensy::
C :: Shazbot

Sure does make this cocaine 'vaccine' make a whole lot more sensy::

SO:: This would kind of explain everything methinks....

Start with::
War in Afghanistan
Mass Public Depression
The 80s...
Corruption across the board really...
Genetically Modified Organisms
Mass Public Stupidity
all of it really.

How hard, really, would it be to dose the public at large and then brainwash them.

It would also explain why my head hurts.
C :: Pandora

SO:: This would kind of explain everything methinks....

Start with::
War in Afghanistan
Mass Public Depression
The 80s...
Corruption across the board really...
Genetically Modified Organisms
Mass Public Stupidity
all of it really.

How hard, really, would it be to dose the public at large and then brainwash them.

It would also explain why my head hurts.

The more I think about this the more it seems like America has turned into some kind of Opium Den.

You could even go as far as explaining ever war for 2000 years on drugs.
I'm not talking about plain old weed, get smart, maxwell mega happy ZJ
C :: Corp o Real Nation

SO: Let's think this Opiate (not opioid) THING Thru::

Let's say you are an 'Occupy Move me nt' creeper...
NOT the kind that is actually there tonprotest your beliefs, but a nasty rapist type addict taker.

Now let's say that this individual has the sociopath streak, aka Charles Manson.

Now let's say he meets a nice girl, plays the part, and gets invited over for dinner.

While at dinner he dopes the food or a surface with MDMA, GHB, OR an OPIATE.

Now lets say the whole family passes out and he calls his friends and they have their way with the family.

What if they know how to do it correctly? What if they specifcally target families with small children?

What if they are a real sick monster and have friends in high places.

What if their parents taught them how to do it?

What if ths idea is just the tip of the iceberg, what if they are Villainous Psychopaths and just pick random people?
This could be easily stopped unless, say, circumstances were manipulated to prevent it.

Hope and Change is a double negative.
C :: Falsity

So, the president is blaming every1 else.

He hasn't done anything wrong.

Way to status quo.

ALSO: He seems to know nada about the CONSTITUTION.

" Obama at times sought to belittle GOP lawmakers. “The most basic constitutional duty Congress has is to pass a budget,” said the president, a former constitutional law lecturer. “That’s Congress 101.” "

Learn to read Mr
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C :: More Buck Passing

AS soon as I finished the last post, I jumped to a politico article and this was the first paragraph::

"Striking a tone of disgust, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi ridicules the GOP as obsessed with its loathing of President Obama and hell-bent on hurting him politically, regardless the cost. She assigns little to no blame to the president (even though Democrats privately say that’s laughable) and instead portrays him as saintly, above reproach and the victim of jealousy or something worse."

Couldn't have planned that series of events if I tried.

...tell me there is coincidence....

Back to a wall is back to a wall.
C :: Shazbot !!!!

SO: Let's think this Opiate (not opioid) THING Thru::
Let's say you are an 'Occupy Move me nt' creeper...
NOT the kind that is actually there tonprotest your beliefs, but a nasty rapist type addict taker.
Now let's say that this individual has the sociopath streak, aka Charles Manson.
Now let's say he meets a nice girl, plays the part, and gets invited over for dinner.
While at dinner he dopes the food or a surface with MDMA, GHB, OR an OPIATE.
Now lets say the whole family passes out and he calls his friends and they have their way with the family.
What if they know how to do it correctly? What if they specifcally target families with small children?
What if they are a real sick monster and have friends in high places.
What if their parents taught them how to do it?
What if ths idea is just the tip of the iceberg, what if they are Villainous Psychopaths and just pick random people?
This could be easily stopped unless, say, circumstances were manipulated to prevent it.

this 1 is iffy::

++This creepy piercing lady who takes kids to the woods

PayDay said:
Hope and Change is a double negative.

Do you have any new scars on your body? eh? eh?

'When you shot me with that 8ball baby...'

Dirty Pool - Stevie Ray Vaughn
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C :: Mo -ZJ

AS soon as I finished the last post, I jumped to a politico article and this was the first paragraph::

"Striking a tone of disgust, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi ridicules the GOP as obsessed with its loathing of President Obama and hell-bent on hurting him politically, regardless the cost. She assigns little to no blame to the president (even though Democrats privately say that’s laughable) and instead portrays him as saintly, above reproach and the victim of jealousy or something worse."

Couldn't have planned that series of events if I tried.

...tell me there is coincidence....

Back to a wall is back to a wall.

So I got ahead of myself on this article, but I'm back to reading it.

The more I do, the more I see the Mega Negative Ending...
ASIN:: SUPERVILLAIN framejob on one faction of our government.

I already called this way back when in this thread, but he's going to pretend to do this on purpose, at this point in TIME it's the only choice peft to get the housewives to swoon.

Pelosi by Politico said:
“The Speaker knows that,” she said. “I call it the tea party continuing resolution, because they are obviously driving the ship. … We can do it the hard way — well, we can do it not at all, which is the path that they’re on now … They don’t want our vote. I believe that the path the Republicans are on is designed to shut down government. … [T]he question is: Can they have their ideological dream come true, or will there be some voice of reason?”

She sounded equally pessimistic about increasing the debt ceiling: “The Speaker has said that he does not want to default. But it’s one thing to say you don’t want to default, … then have all the building blocks for default put in place to do so.” She said she hopes the business community will convince Republicans not to walk that plank: “They bought them the gavel, didn’t they? … They should not be able use that gavel to clobber the economy over the head.”

Passing the buck of blame and taking all the credit for saving the country from negativity they created.

Yup, Could be worse...

He could be behind all the bombing... THAT woupd be worse.
C :: Shazbot?

So: This whole idea of congressional drugtesting could easily be explained or invoked from asingle event.

Say someone within a high level executive position had a family member go drug looney and pull something like this::

Something like that would be exactly what you would need. Not to mention Perfectly Reasonable.

A perfectly reasonable explaination is always not:

...That sure does seem awful coincidental.

Stalkers much?
C :: Hmmm...

What kind of a congress person would say something like that??

PayDay said:
#2. Sex with a CHILD is against the LAW. Period. It is a Mental Disorder.*This sexual orientation stuff is bullshit. If you are only attracted to little girls or boys then maybe you're ACTUALLY attracted to short and skinny unintelligent adults whom you can take advantage of.

iWonder.... wait NVM. Goto a mental health clinic
C:: Need?

Tell me again why 1/5 of our population warrants spending into bankrupcy, more taxes onto an idividual, and an increase in government scope?

"The divergences could make it harder to judge the law's success, at least initially. With the health law, President*Barack Obama envisioned expanding medical coverage for most of the 48 million people who currently don't have it and placed confidence in governments to run the system smoothly."
IN response to post #332::

DISCLAIMER:: I make no accusations here short of coincidence::

Found this::

"Resale and Consignment, A division of Salem County Christian Academy"

Now look, I'm not saying ANYTHING here, but, in what way is this wording done?

"Consignors Wanted"

"Electronics... if your kids use it, we sell it!"

"Bring A Friend! Rain or Shine!!"


On the yellow flyer inserted into the paper, it was attached to this.

Just saying... coincidental and correlating s'all
C :: Who wants to be Broke

SO: I found this article that's actually two in one::
1st so all the rhetoric about entitlements (a takers) seems to be true::

"The fast expansion of disability here is part of a national trend that has seen the number of former workers receiving benefits soar from just over 5 million to 8.8*million between 2000 and 2012. An additional 2.1 million dependent children and spouses also receive benefits.

The crush of new recipients is putting unsustainable financial pressure on the program. Federal officials project that the program will exhaust its trust fund by 2016 — 20 years before the trust fund that supports Social Security’s old-age benefits is projected to run dry.

The growth of the disability rolls has*accelerated since the recession hit in 2007. As the labor market tightened, workers with disabilities that employers previously accommodated on the job — painful hips, mental disorders, weak hearts — were often the first to go.

Finding new work often proved difficult, causing many to turn to the disability rolls for support. The migration of so many people from work to the disability rolls is raising concern among lawmakers in Congress that the program is being stretched beyond its original intent of providing a safety net for former workers whose medical problems make them unable to work.

Last week, the Government Accountability Office (A+) found that the program*made $1.3 billion in potentially improper payments*to people who had jobs when they were supposedly disabled."

--->That's not even the 'best' part of the 1st part...
"The allegedly improper payments represent less than 1 percent of disability payments."

Which means that.... 'Bueller? NE1?'

So I forgots this::

Turns out 1.5 million people in NJare on SS, 200000ish or so are workers

What about your state, @lso::
How many people have you seen outside lately?
...and the lemon curry::: Post #326
PayDay said:
Think about this... HERE IS YOUR ZJ ::: ----v
#6: The Symptoms of Early Childhood Abuse RESEMBLE THAT of AUTISM and ADHD + SO Many More

Kanner's Syndrome aka Kanner's Autism aka Adjustment Disorder

Quote:Adjustment disorder, agoraphobia, antipsychotics, anxiety, anxiety disorders, autism, behavioral therapy, body dysmorphic disorder, brain disease, brain disorder, CBT, conversion disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy, dissociative disorders, GAD, generalized anxiety disorder, identify disorder, Kanner's syndrome, neurological disease, neurological disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, mental illness, personality disorders, phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychiatric, psychiatrist, psychosocial treatment, psychotherapy, psychotic, psychosis, psychosomatic disorder, PTSD, SAD, schizophrenia, serotonin, social anxiety disorder, somatization disorder, somatoform disorder.

Still wonder why it is being over diagnosed and turning into an epidemic?

Denis Leary may have been totally wrong when he said 'there is no autism, only bad parents,' but he ALSO may have been onto something.

A Perfect Circle :::

teh and >.<

'...Well that explains everything...'
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C :: Classics

Part 2 of the same article::

"The age criterion has since been broadened. Applicants are subjected to a detailed process in which Social Security examiners, administrative law judges and sometimes the federal courts pore over their medical records to evaluate their claims.

But many of the judgments are ultimately subjective: More than half of awards go to applicants who claim musculoskeletal disorders or mental impairments that are often hard to document conclusively."

...and then...

"The number of people on the disability rolls has been growing rapidly even though workers report being ever healthier in surveys. They are also less likely than ever to have physically demanding jobs."

hmm... That's interesting. What could possible be the issue, could it be a loss of jobs?

"Changes in program eligibility in 1984 made it easier to qualify for the program with maladies such as pain and depression."

Coincidental considering the last post...

"Lawmakers are concerned that some states have encouraged unemployed workers with disabilities to apply for the program, shifting the economic burden for the jobless to the federal government."

Well how about that, almost as if the States purposely dropped the bill onto the FeD...
...who needed just this + some stimulus packages to bankrupt a country,
and let's not forget about that $50 per week bonus for unemployment that had no basis for being sent other than 'we think you could need this.'

Not to mention States lose accountability on the costs of their mental health systems...

So, that's how you make an economy collapse on purpose:::


Give everything you can away, while making laws to give more away, while states give stuff away, and then borrow money and give more away.

Total power fail
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