Ladies and gents, I present you with...

Nice debut!! You have awesome legs which figures with your choice of activities and you display them in such a sexy way!! Thanks for sharing and keep up the awesome work!! :D
shower time

Calypso - u r such a tease. im following u since a while and love ur pics, ur humour and ur fantasy.
I am a climber like u - sports and alpine up to 6a leading. I also like skiing and mountaineering ...
but actually i also like the hills, valleys and caves of ur wonderful body and the brightness of your smile ...
I can't tell if I fogged up my monitor with my heavy breathing or if it's the pic. ;)
And we are so grateful for his generosity.

Such lovely legs.
A little birdie decided to share part of his birthday present. :D Say hello to mah legs...

Well Thanks little birdie .. :D .. And what a Set of Legs Caly ;) .. Great Cleavage
as Well !!!


Happy TGIF !!! Caly :)

Thanks For Sharing ... :kiss: :heart: :heart:
Such a generous little birdie and I don't know how I missed the vid but now that I've seen it... there can be many of us that would love to see that view of you in real life I'm sure!!! :devil: