A touch of girl next door


That's really sexy. ;)

that should be THE picture for the Obama campaign
Haven't posted in awhile. Thought I would for the long weekend. It's getting wintery here for once, which makes me want to get under the covers and sleep. Enjoy :)
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Haven't posted in awhile. Thought I would for the long weekend. It's getting wintery here for once, which makes me want to get under the covers and sleep. Enjoy :)

looking great. hope you have someone to keep you warm...
Great comeback pic .

Cant wait to hopefully see more of that amazing body .

Red :rose:
Haven't posted in awhile. Thought I would for the long weekend. It's getting wintery here for once, which makes me want to get under the covers and sleep. Enjoy :)

may i join you under the warming covers?
i heard about the skin on skin effect during winter...
looking great. hope you have someone to keep you warm...

I do, but I actually do the warming. :D

Great comeback pic .

Cant wait to hopefully see more of that amazing body .

Red :rose:

Thanks, it is nice to come back every now and then. I guess sometimes I just need inspiration.

wow, I love your skin. Thank you for sharing :)

Glad to. I am secretly tickled whenever someone compliments my skin. so thank you too. :)
Thanks, it is nice to come back every now and then. I guess sometimes I just need inspiration.

What can we do to inspire you more often? I feel safe saying that all of us would love to see your gorgeous self on a much more regular basis.
Haven't posted in awhile. Thought I would for the long weekend. It's getting wintery here for once, which makes me want to get under the covers and sleep. Enjoy :)

Nice pic, CW. Got me thinking that after the shot, you got into that nice glass shower stall, lathered up, and let us all watch.... Very sexy. :kiss:
Haven't posted in awhile. Thought I would for the long weekend. It's getting wintery here for once, which makes me want to get under the covers and sleep. Enjoy :)
Everyone is right about your lips,very nice. If no one noticed in your "real life", I would be concerned about where I was living. Do the people look alive ??
Love your lips in that picture indeed.

Everyone is right about your lips,very nice. If no one noticed in your "real life", I would be concerned about where I was living. Do the people look alive ??

Hah yes, people are alive. I guess if people notice your lips and comment, I guess it might seem like a come on, so maybe people don't comment. But thank you to both. I always thought my mouth always looked sad because it's turned downwards.

You are so cute and sexy! I love your pictures :D x

I'm glad to see a female commenter. :) Thanks for the comments Connubium. Your thread is one I always check out because your photos are always amazing.

What can we do to inspire you more often? I feel safe saying that all of us would love to see your gorgeous self on a much more regular basis.

Sometimes requests help, but I do have limits of what I will and won't post. Sometimes PMs from other people get me in the mood, so to speak. Changing subjects a bit, your signature caught my eye. "Still seeking virgins in mistletoe panties"? Do you mean literal virgins?

Nice pic, CW. Got me thinking that after the shot, you got into that nice glass shower stall, lathered up, and let us all watch.... Very sexy. :kiss:

Jerry...nice to hear from you. I've been meaning to comment on your thread. Haha, I actually had somewhere to be after, but just thought I would take a quick shot as I was getting dressed. You can't see it because it's behind me, but there's a jacuzzi tub next to the shower. Maybe one day I can "copy" one of your back shots. ;)
Haven't posted in awhile. Thought I would for the long weekend. It's getting wintery here for once, which makes me want to get under the covers and sleep. Enjoy :)


I did enjoy... you should definitely post more often ;)