The Last Thing You Thought...

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The calendar may say its Wednesday but if it looks like a Monday acts like a Monday and feels like a Monday guess what... Its a Monday *lol* Thank God its over... for the most part
But I like being evil....?

And actually he doesn't freak me out. Cartoon clowns are not as creepy as real ones.

But don't let that give you any ideas now...

Those idea were already there, sweetie.

I don't mean evil as in wicked and you deserve a spanking but more darker sides of evil.
hehehe clowns...

LT: Eeeeeeeeee got my psych book for next term. hehehehehehe...

Shhhh... I know you're not supposed to lookforward to school books!
The calendar may say its Wednesday but if it looks like a Monday acts like a Monday and feels like a Monday guess what... Its a Monday *lol* Thank God its over... for the most part

I'll second that. Not the best day I've ever had. But survived it.
Go a head, I just can't promise that kids won't beat you up when they get older. Try to enslave humanity then I'm sending you somewhere special.

Aww, you're just ruining my fun.

Now I need new plans for Friday, since I can't do that anymore.
I don't really know where else to stick this, so I'm just putting it here. Thought this would be interesting to see the answers to.

Without giving it much thought, sort of your gut reaction, how would you punctuate this sentence:

“A woman without her man is nothing”

Oh yeah, I never got back to this...

As a general rule, though obviously there are always going to be exceptions, women punctuate it as...

A woman: without her man is nothing.

Or something along those lines. There are a few different ways you could do it and have it come out the same, but that's the basic gist.

Men, on the other hand, generally punctuate it as...

A woman, without her man, is nothing.
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