The Last Thing You Thought...

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Aside from a little grumpy at my cat? Not too terrible. Eating myself actually. If I didn't Cait would beat me about the face and neck. :D

With my wooden spoon. *nod*

ETA (why the hell isn't my coffee ready yet?)

Not the face or neck but I can think of a few other places. :D
I know why humans call this "Morning"; They are missing their pillows and blankets.
I know why humans call this "Morning"; They are missing their pillows and blankets.

*looks at Nina through one open eye*

I will probably giggle at that later. Right now I need to go beat my coffee pot.

oh and.. Good Morning, Nina.
*looks at Nina through one open eye*

I will probably giggle at that later. Right now I need to go beat my coffee pot.

oh and.. Good Morning, Nina.


Coffee pots, i have learned, are one of the few things that work better after beating.
Mornings are like a ninja, they sneak in.

Eating is good.. and a good breakfast is important.

I have been told that, I still don't believe it! I haven't been a big breakfast guy in years. Now I am having to force myself to eat when I wake up.
I have been told that, I still don't believe it! I haven't been a big breakfast guy in years. Now I am having to force myself to eat when I wake up.

well, I am here to bring you more bad news. If you have an active job in the morning, a Big breakfast can help you loose weight.

You have a big breakfast, a medium noon meal and a small dinner.. you can loose weight.
This usually works if you have an active morning.. because that is when you really need all the energy.

But when you go to bed.. you are powering down, you use less energy to sleep.. so a small meal is much better an less likely to add weight.
well, I am here to bring you more bad news. If you have an active job in the morning, a Big breakfast can help you loose weight.

You have a big breakfast, a medium noon meal and a small dinner.. you can loose weight.
This usually works if you have an active morning.. because that is when you really need all the energy.

But when you go to bed.. you are powering down, you use less energy to sleep.. so a small meal is much better an less likely to add weight.

mhmm. Farm diet.

Its amazing how being advanced makes us forget how to eat correctly.
well, I am here to bring you more bad news. If you have an active job in the morning, a Big breakfast can help you loose weight.

You have a big breakfast, a medium noon meal and a small dinner.. you can loose weight.
This usually works if you have an active morning.. because that is when you really need all the energy.

But when you go to bed.. you are powering down, you use less energy to sleep.. so a small meal is much better an less likely to add weight.

-Opens mouth. Closes is. Scowls a little. Then just laughs-

Fuck... that makes way too much sense.

Though so far changing my diet to accomidate my diabetes has been really good for me. I've been losing weight hand over fist. I haven't checked it this month, but when I was checking it I lost 15 lbs. Just changing what I ate, and how I ate. I used to be a binge eater. Once or twice a day, big meals, and packed full of carbs and things that are horrible for me.

Now I'm eating 3 times a day, and any time I am hungry between meals I eat a bowl of veggies.
fuck I am damned tired of hurting all the fucking time.

*glares at body*

damn it why won't you stop!
-Opens mouth. Closes is. Scowls a little. Then just laughs-

Fuck... that makes way too much sense.

Though so far changing my diet to accomidate my diabetes has been really good for me. I've been losing weight hand over fist. I haven't checked it this month, but when I was checking it I lost 15 lbs. Just changing what I ate, and how I ate. I used to be a binge eater. Once or twice a day, big meals, and packed full of carbs and things that are horrible for me.

Now I'm eating 3 times a day, and any time I am hungry between meals I eat a bowl of veggies.

So proud. *beams*
mhmm. Farm diet.

Its amazing how being advanced makes us forget how to eat correctly.

I actually got this from a friend of mine from Brazil, she lived in the city and was annoyed that she would be tired early in the day.. an gain weight.. she thought about it an flipped her diet... lost 100lbs in 6 months.

-Opens mouth. Closes is. Scowls a little. Then just laughs-

Fuck... that makes way too much sense.

Though so far changing my diet to accomidate my diabetes has been really good for me. I've been losing weight hand over fist. I haven't checked it this month, but when I was checking it I lost 15 lbs. Just changing what I ate, and how I ate. I used to be a binge eater. Once or twice a day, big meals, and packed full of carbs and things that are horrible for me.

Now I'm eating 3 times a day, and any time I am hungry between meals I eat a bowl of veggies.

My downfall was chocolate and snacks.. when i was a confirmed diabetic. I cleaned my room of all snacks, I was a bit ill when i realized how much hidden cakes and candies I had in my room alone.. not to mention the kitchen.

I have lost 40lbs since then, I need to loose more.
fuck I am damned tired of hurting all the fucking time.

*glares at body*

damn it why won't you stop!
-Stares at Twins body.................................-

wait... what were you saying?
I actually got this from a friend of mine from Brazil, she lived in the city and was annoyed that she would be tired early in the day.. an gain weight.. she thought about it an flipped her diet... lost 100lbs in 6 months.

-nods nods nods-

It was explained to me as an old southern farm diet, long time ago. Made sense. I asked "but didnt farmers up north eat that way too.'' to which i was stared at. "I dunno what yankees do but that is how you feed your family when you're a southern woman. - - I stand corrected.
fuck I am damned tired of hurting all the fucking time.

*glares at body*

damn it why won't you stop!

-Frowns. Gives the lovely wolf a warm hug- What sort of pain is it darlin? Muscle pain, or nerve pain?

So proud. *beams*

You should be, I couldn't have done it so quickly without your support and encouragement, a lot of the credit goes your way. You know how freaked out I was when this started.

I actually got this from a friend of mine from Brazil, she lived in the city and was annoyed that she would be tired early in the day.. an gain weight.. she thought about it an flipped her diet... lost 100lbs in 6 months.

My downfall was chocolate and snacks.. when i was a confirmed diabetic. I cleaned my room of all snacks, I was a bit ill when i realized how much hidden cakes and candies I had in my room alone.. not to mention the kitchen.

I have lost 40lbs since then, I need to loose more.

I would occasionally do the sweets thing, but the way I ate was a big problem. Combine that with my difficulty with physical activity, and that I drank almost nothing but soda...

I just kept gaining weight, and my body was going all out of whack because of it. Now I am feeling a world of difference. Even starting small bits of exercise now and then.
.....You should be, I couldn't have done it so quickly without your support and encouragement, a lot of the credit goes your way. You know how freaked out I was when this started.....

We're a team, dear. Support and encouragement are Us. You've kept me from freaking out over this last health scare of mine.
fuck I am damned tired of hurting all the fucking time.

*glares at body*

damn it why won't you stop!


-Stares at Twins body.................................-

wait... what were you saying?

-nods nods nods-

It was explained to me as an old southern farm diet, long time ago. Made sense. I asked "but didnt farmers up north eat that way too.'' to which i was stared at. "I dunno what yankees do but that is how you feed your family when you're a southern woman. - - I stand corrected.

I'm a Floridian by birth, so I did grow up with Big Breakfast, but we got out of the habit when we moved to California.

I would occasionally do the sweets thing, but the way I ate was a big problem. Combine that with my difficulty with physical activity, and that I drank almost nothing but soda...

I just kept gaining weight, and my body was going all out of whack because of it. Now I am feeling a world of difference. Even starting small bits of exercise now and then.

Yea, The summer keeps me inside an inactive.. but I am trying to find ways to keep moving..
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