With a mischievious grin...

Damn, I am always on at the wrong times.

You and Elaine's thread, I always miss the best pics
There were yellow boxers in these shots?? SOrry I was focusing on the model. I'll have to go back & look again, & again, & again, & again, & again, & again. Are you sure there are yellow boxers in theree? I still don't see them?????

PS, Nice Arch!!!

Thank you ;). I do love a good pair of boyfriend boxers.

you got it, I'll rub whatever you need rubbed
let me help you with removing your dothes or if the last picture is any indication you are already ready for me.

Why how chivalrous of you!

Yes, I've had issues with baggy boxers for some time now. But your pictures are helping me a great deal to cope. Thanks for posting.

You bet. We'll have that boxer problem cured in no time.

Volcanic Loving the arch of your neck as well as your back and the sight of your sweet lips

Thank you ;)

Well thanks for the heads up. We will miss you, but loook forward to seeing you when you can.

I'll still be around. Just not as much.

Mmmmmm! You are so sexy and hot!


The curves of your body are just freakin rediculous, so sexy

Well thank you :). Must be all the running!

Mmmmmm! . . . . . This is hot! Very nice arch in the front as well as the back. Also no issues with baggy boxers.

Thank goodness.

I know I've said this before, but you've got an amazing ass

Well I appreciate it every time, thank you :)

oh yeah caught it while it was hot...just like the poster...hot ...love the expression....or at least what we can see of it ...damn love the open mouth expression....great shot....arch you back any time you want...


Sizzling hot.......

You'd have to feel my skin to know that for sure.

hot is right, killer body babe

The hottest one I've seen here

Aww that is very kind thank you...I think you ought to look around a bit more before you can call it though :). Lots of beautiful women posting here.

awwwwww.....now isn't she an absolute sweetheart

Always happy to brighten someone's day.

you are he coolest .....love that arch...

Call me Miles Davis.

Wow, that was so nice of you to repost that. You are a wonderful person.

Um, I think I missed seeing your video. You know, the one that makes you blush every time you think about it.

Haha well that is very kind but it was a small gesture. That video huh? I'll have to see if I can repost it.


You are HOT! But you already know that =)


Well thanks!

Ok. You're hot.

You seem resigned to admission. Thank you?

Best. Friday. Ever!


Wonderful pictures, of a lovely lady.

Thank you :)

MY GOD the look of pure pleasure on your face makes me wants to give you all you desire and more!

Maybe it's time to set up one of those amazon wish lists....;)

You are beautiful. I wish more women on here looked like you.

Aw, thank you. See my comment above about all the lovely ladies :)

You look like a squirter. Are you a squirter? Something ht about a woman who squirts in her panties. Do you like panties? I like panties. Something about the word panties that really get me going. Say it with me P A N T I E S.

mmmmmm yes panties. Squirting in your panties. Is that why you wear boxers so much? To hold all of the squirting in? Do you wear panties under your boxers?

Mmmmm yes panties. Say it with me:


Three words Uh-maze-ing!

I think maybe...maybe you ought to look at a dictionary. Just a thought ;)

(thank you)

Deeply indebted.

I know just how you can repay me.
Damn what a BODY....

That made me think of this


Thank you :)


Note that if you ask nicely and I am in the mood I will acquiesce ;)

keep missing all the specials!

work sucks!

Aww well you'll just have to stick around more often then!

Missed again ... There have been enough misses to make me wanna log in in the Afternoons as well

Thanks For Sharing .. Good Looking ...

I'm full of surprises :)

Damn, I am always on at the wrong times.

You and Elaine's thread, I always miss the best pics

Patience is a virtue :)

I missed it again!!! GOD!! I'm so pissed.!!!

Aww I'm sorry...maybe next time!
Jeez... of all the luck. Missed it again...

Oh well. Your pics are amazing in any case. :rose:
Personally, I love boxers. I have two pairs of these silk ones.


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You have such a wonderful, luscious, spankable ass.

The rest of you is quite adequate as well.
Personally, I love boxers. I have two pairs of these silk ones.

I love the way silk feels and the way it drapes over shapes. And of course, you have a particularly nice shape.

These boxers are not nearly as long and baggy as mine are. I definitely like yours and the way they look on you.